Sorry if I've been quiet for a while. Last week my beloved little guy Perry became very ill suddenly and had to be put to sleep. Even though he was very old it has been a horrible shock and I'm still adjusting to a life without him.
Perry made my life magical. He was the kind of little dog who felt it was his grave responsibility to protect his owner at all costs. Though he took himself very seriously, he made me laugh every day with his antics. He was so loving and devoted and would always be by my side if he could be. There's a hollow place next to me because he'd always tuck himself in between me and the armrest of my chair, and I don't think it'll ever feel right again. Perry, like most dogs, loved in a way that few humans deserve, and I'll be grateful for our time together for the rest of my life.
Perry inspired me every day. Here is a picture I drew of him last year but never shared, it seems appropriate to show it right now - Rest in peace my baby- I know you're playing among the stars now.